Joe Fanelli
Chapter PresidentEmail:jof227@lehigh.edu

Ash Niemann
Vice President of CommunicationEmail:asn226@lehigh.edu

Jack Marshard
Vice President of FinanceEmail:jmm327@lehigh.edu

Matt Walker
Vice President of Member Development
Alex Fowlie
Vice President of RecruitmentEmail:amf226@lehigh.edu

Sam Maloof
ChaplainSam is a senior from Walpole Massachusetts studying computer science and business. He is also a member of Lehigh’s track and field team and president of the cornhole club.

Harris Rosenthal
Vice President of SigEp Learning CommunityEmail:hjr227@lehigh.edu

Dan Seybert
Vice President of ProgrammingEmail:das227@lehigh.edu

Zack Kaufman
Risk ManagerZack is a sophomore from Needham, Massachusetts studying molecular biology. He is also a member of LUEMS and men’s rugby.