Our Chapter Officers Joe FanelliChapter President Email:jof227@lehigh.edu Ash NiemannVice President of Communication Email:asn226@lehigh.edu Jack MarshardVice President of Finance Email:jmm327@lehigh.edu Matt WalkerVice President of Member Development Alex FowlieVice President of Recruitment Email:amf226@lehigh.edu Sam MaloofChaplain Sam is a senior from Walpole Massachusetts studying computer science and business. He is also a member of Lehigh’s track and field team and president of the cornhole club.Email:sjm225@lehigh.edu Harris RosenthalVice President of SigEp Learning Community Email:hjr227@lehigh.edu Dan SeybertVice President of Programming Email:das227@lehigh.edu Zack KaufmanRisk Manager Zack is a sophomore from Needham, Massachusetts studying molecular biology. He is also a member of LUEMS and men’s rugby.Email:zak327@lehigh.edu